Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
VBAC stories and links.
VBAC - On Whose Terms?
Useful information about VBAC from the Association for Improvments in the Maternity Services (AIMS).
VBAC Resources
Information and resources about VBAC, including homebirth.
VBAC stories and links.
VBAC - On Whose Terms?
Useful information about VBAC from the Association for Improvments in the Maternity Services (AIMS).
VBAC Resources
Information and resources about VBAC, including homebirth.
Breech Babies
Breech Birth Network
Information on breech birth - contacts for pregnant women and study days for professionals.
Breech Birth - Better Off Born Naturally?
Vaginal birth better for breech babies, say Canadian doctors.
How To Turn A Breech Baby
This website is an excellent resource for both parents and professionals, with lots of information about how to encourage a breech baby to turn.
Breech Birth (graphic photos)
The mechanism of breech birth - how breech babies can often (not always) be born if left to their own devices. Contains graphic photographs of birth.